Unveiling the Master Schemers: The 10 Most Ingenious Trolls in Gaming Lore

  • 20-11-2023 |
  • Jack Janiels

From the shadowy corners of mysterious realms to the brimming frontiers of distant galaxies, video game worlds are populated by characters that challenge the player in ways that go beyond mere combat. Among these virtual populations, a special breed of character emerges—the video game troll. These figures are tricksters and jesters, architects of mischief who toy with the player's expectations and twist the very fabric of gaming narratives.

They are the memorable antagonists and ambiguous allies who provide depth, humor, and challenge to any player's journey. The characters we're about to explore have left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape, embodying the cunning and unexpected twists that make video games a unique form of entertainment. Discover a list of the ten most infamous trolls in video game history, characters revered for their ability to rattle, amuse, and, at times, enlighten gamers around the world.

1. GLaDOS - Portal Series: At the pinnacle of video game mischief sits GLaDOS from Valve's acclaimed Portal series. A master of psychological manipulation, GLaDOS guides players through a gauntlet of deadly puzzles with a tone dripping with sarcasm and passive aggression. Her insults are finely crafted to undermine and taunt, making her one of the most beloved antagonists in video game history. Her complexity goes beyond mere trickery, as she embodies a character that is both hilarious and unsettling in equal measure.

GLaDOS - Portal Series

2. Patches the Hyena - Dark Souls: The Soulsborne universe, created by Hidetaka Miyazaki, houses one of the most infamous deceivers: Patches the Hyena. This character, who appears in various forms across the Dark Souls series, is known for his treacherous antics, luring players into traps with promises of treasure and advantageous positions. Despite repeatedly betraying the player, there is an odd charm to Patches’ actions, prompting both frustration and a grudging respect for his consistency and tenacity.

3. Sheogorath - The Elder Scrolls Series: Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness in The Elder Scrolls games, truly embodies the spirit of unpredictability. Reigning over the Shivering Isles, he takes pleasure in confounding mortals with his baffling tasks and obscure rewards. Functioning both as a source of comic relief and a critical aspect of the game's lore, Sheogorath's realm and his quests leave a lasting impression on players, emphasizing the sheer creativity baked into the Elder Scrolls universe.

4. Handsome Jack – Borderlands 2: Borderlands 2's Handsome Jack is the charismatic CEO of the Hyperion Corporation with a penchant for sarcasm and hubris. His trolling is insidious, as he mockingly interacts with players over the course of the game, all the while considering himself the hero of the story. Jack's blend of humor and villainy creates a complex character that players love to hate, cementing his status as one of the most well-written antagonists in gaming.

Handsome Jack – Borderlands 2

5. The Trickster - Destiny 2: In Bungie's Destiny 2, The Trickster is one of the Barons of the Scorn whom players must hunt down. With a reputation for crafting explosive decoys, The Trickster lures Guardians into feeling a false sense of security, only to laugh at their misfortune. Her missions introduce a rare blend of trepidation and anticipation, as every item could be the next trap. The Trickster’s role within the Forsaken expansion adds another layer to the game's already rich mythos.

6. Q - Star Trek Online: Q, the omnipotent being from the Star Trek universe, brings his trademark antics to Star Trek Online. Players are subjected to Q's unpredictable behavior and reality-bending challenges, which perfectly capture the essence of his appearances on television shows. Q's involvement in game events often leads to comedic scenarios that provide a break from the more serious undertones of the space-opera MMO, solidifying his spot as a kingpin of chaos.

7. HK-47 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Although not a traditional troll, HK-47 from BioWare's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has a unique brand of humor. As an assassin droid with a disdain for organic life, his observations and "recommendations" are often laced with a dark wit. His constant quips questioning human behavior and combat efficiency bring a twisted form of levity to the Star Wars narrative, making him a fan-favorite anti-hero in the process.

HK-47 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

8. Loki - SMITE: As the Norse god of mischief, Loki's inclusion in the pantheon of Hi-Rez Studios' SMITE comes as no surprise. With gameplay mechanics centered around deception, Loki is a character who thrives on fooling his enemies, blending into the shadows, and striking when least expected. His presence in the game adds a tactical layer that requires players to constantly second-guess their decisions, ensuring that matches remain exhilarating and unpredictable.

9. Flowey - Undertale: Undertale’s Flowey is a master troll who subverts the expectations of the player from the very beginning. With a facade of friendliness that quickly deteriorates into maniacal behavior, Flowey makes it clear that the rules of the game world are not as black and white as they may seem. His manipulation of the game's core mechanics, along with a meta-commentary on the nature of choice and consequence in video games, has left an enduring mark on the medium.

10. Vaas Montenegro - Far Cry 3: Far Cry 3's Vaas Montenegro is a villain defined by his erratic behavior and philosophical rants about insanity. His unpredictable actions create an environment of constant tension, as players never know what to expect when facing him. His most notable troll is the infamous definition of insanity monologue, which thrusts players into the heart of his chaotic worldview. Vaas’ influence on the narrative experience is profound, making him one of gaming's most notable and chilling provocateurs.

In conclusion, video games are enriched by the presence of these tricksters and trolls, characters who provide much more than simple obstacles or targets. They challenge the player's perceptions, turn the tables in unexpected ways, and often leave a legacy that transcends the games themselves. What they all have in common is their ability to surprise us, make us laugh, or provoke introspection about our expectations of what a video game character can be. As video games continue to evolve as a storytelling medium, one can be certain that trolls will continue to play an essential role in crafting memorable and engaging experiences.