Mastering the Guardians' Arsenal and Armor: A Destiny 2 Comprehensive Guide

  • 20-01-2024 |
  • Jack Janiels

In the realm of Destiny 2, mastering the mechanics of your weaponry is essential to emerging victorious in the heat of battle. Here's how to decipher the complexities of your armament:

- Impact: The potency of your weapon's damage with each round. Weapons such as hand cannons and bows pack a considerable punch while fast-firing arms like SMGs and auto rifles trade raw power for speed.
- Range: It denotes the distance your weapon can effectively deal damage before efficacy begins to wane. Sniper rifles epitomize long-distance engagement tools, whereas explosive armaments switch out range for blast radius consideration.
- Stability: This refers to your weapon's recoil intensity—a crucial factor to manage for precision.
- Handling: The agility with which a weapon can be manipulated; crucial for swift weapon draws and aiming.
- Reload Speed: Once your magazine is spent, this stat dictates the quickness of your reload. Smart use of cover during reloads can save your life.
- Rounds Per Minute (RPM): This measures the weapon's damage output considering its firing rate and reload speed.
- Magazine: Indicates the rounds available before a reload is necessary.

Understanding Destiny 2 game

Understanding Destiny 2 Armor Mechanics

Beyond armaments, armor also stands as a pivotal element in a Guardian's repertoire, affecting playstyle and survivability:

- Energy: Decides the mods you can equip on an armor piece, with higher energy levels allowing for more or costlier mods.
- Mobility: Affects your jump height, strafing, and walking speeds.
- Resilience: Determines the durability of your shields and your resistance to becoming frozen by Stasis.
- Recovery: Governs the swiftness with which your health regenerates once you have ceased taking damage.
- Discipline: Reduces the cooldown of your grenade ability.
- Intellect: Trims down the recharge time for your Super ability.
- Strength: Lessens the cooldown of your melee abilities, which are charged.

Vault Management Strategies

Destiny 2's loot system is expansive, making vault management a skill in its own right:

- Aim to keep your vault at or below half capacity for efficiency, favoring utility over collection.
- Singular copies of each weapon type should suffice, barring special circumstances where multiple specific rolls might be necessary.
- Tools like Destiny Item Manager and Ishtar Commander, among others, can drastically improve how you handle your vault with easy transfers and sorting options.

Destiny 2 Vault Management Strategies

Harness Free Gear with Prime Gaming and Bungie Rewards

A partnership between Prime Gaming and Bungie bestows Guardians with no-cost exotic goods monthly. By linking your Prime and Bungie accounts, you can claim these rewards. In addition, keeping a vigilant eye on Bungie Rewards can yield further perks, from discounts on merchandise to special in-game items—a bounty of rewards for the astute Guardian.

Embrace the Seasonal Challenges for Advancement

Destiny 2’s Season of the Chosen introduced an innovative way to progress through the game—Seasonal Challenges. Reminiscent of systems seen in Apex Legends, these weekly challenges range from one to ten in number and offer rewards varying from shaders to significant progress in seasonal activities, a wealth of Glimmer, and more. A tactical approach suggests holding off on intensive grinding tasks until later in the season, as some challenges, such as ranking up in Gambit, only tally progress from their introduction, not retroactively. This approach will evolve as Bungie refines the system, but for now, aligning activities to challenge availability past the fifth or sixth week of a season is advisable for maximizing efforts.

The Role of Kiosks in Acquiring Gear and Continuing Quests

The inclusion of kiosks, brought forth by the Beyond Light expansion, provided yet another quality-of-life enhancement within Destiny 2. Nestled close to the Tower vault, players can find the Monument to Lost Light—home to a plethora of exotics and pinnacle gear from Years 1 through 4, including coveted items from content now locked away in the Destiny Content Vault. Additionally, those in search of previous quests should consult the adjacent Quest Archive for reclamation of quests lost, whether by inadvertent deletion or technical glitches.

Destiny 2 game Quests

Monument to Lost Light

The in-game economy continues to evolve with new currencies appearing, specifically within kiosks like the Monument to Lost Light. Here, Guardians can exchange Glimmer, Legendary Shards, planetary materials, Ascendant Shards, and the raid-centric Spoils of Conquest for exotic and pinnacle weaponry. Earning these Spoils of Conquest boils down to successfully completing raid encounters and securing their precious chests.

Quest Archive

The inevitability of quest-related issues has been addressed as well. Be it the unintentional deletion of a quest or the need to rectify a bug, the Quest Archive stands ready in the Tower near the Postmaster to assist players in retrieving lost quests. This feature is also perfect for veterans looking to revisit the New Light quest line alongside companions just embarking on their journey.