Mastering the Art of Togetherness: 10 Tips for Playing It Takes Two

  • 28-03-2024 |
  • Jack Janiels

It Takes Two is a unique cooperative action-adventure game developed by Hazelight Studios and published by Electronic Arts. The game's creative director, Josef Fares, is known for his love of narrative-driven, co-op experiences, as seen in his previous game, A Way Out. It Takes Two follows the story of a feuding couple, Cody and May, who are magically transformed into dolls by their daughter's tears. To return to their human forms, they must work together and navigate through a series of surreal and imaginative landscapes. The game has been praised for its innovative gameplay, compelling storytelling, and the way it fosters cooperation between players. Now, let's explore some tips to make your It Takes Two experience even better.

1. Communication is Key

Like any good co-op game, communication between players in It Takes Two is crucial. Be sure to discuss your strategies, share your observations, and coordinate your actions with your partner.

2. Embrace the Challenge

It Takes Two game

It Takes Two is not an easy game. It requires patience, precision, and a willingness to try and fail. Embrace this challenge and remember that every failure is a chance to learn and improve.

3. Explore Every Nook and Cranny

The game world is full of hidden secrets and easter eggs. Make sure you take the time to explore and fully experience the whimsical world that Hazelight has created.

4. Master Your Character’s Abilities

Both Cody and May have unique abilities that change with each level. Take the time to understand and master these abilities, as they will be crucial in your journey.

5. Take Breaks

it takes two 2 players

It Takes Two can be mentally and emotionally taxing. It's important to take breaks to avoid burnout and keep the game fun and enjoyable.

6. Learn from Your Mistakes

When you fail in a task or puzzle, take a moment to understand what went wrong and how you can improve. This will make you a better player and help you progress faster.

7. Be Patient with Your Partner

Your partner might need to be more skilled or as quick as you are. Be patient and supportive, and remember that the game is about cooperation, not competition.

8. Experiment with Different Strategies

passage it takes two

If a certain strategy isn't working, feel free to try something different. The game encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

9. Enjoy the Story

It Takes Two has a great story with emotional depth. Take the time to immerse yourself in it and appreciate the narrative that unfolds.

10. Have Fun

Lastly, remember that games are meant to be fun. Enjoy the unique experience that It Takes Two offers and cherish the moments of laughter and triumph.

In conclusion, It Takes Two is a game that offers a unique cooperative experience that is as challenging as it is rewarding. Following these tips will not only improve your gameplay but also enhance your overall gaming experience. So grab a friend, start your adventure, and remember - it really does take two!