Capcom Unveils Dragon’s Dogma 2 Gameplay and Story Insights in Latest Showcase

  • 28-11-2023 |
  • Jessica Jones

Today, Capcom accidentally revealed the debut date for the much-awaited Dragon’s Dogma 2 and followed up with a substantial showcase brimming with fresh gameplay footage. Spanning approximately 15 minutes, the Dragon’s Dogma 2 Showcase revealed not just tantalizing story elements but also showcased various aspects of the game, including the Trickster vocation and massive, climbable bosses reminiscent of Shadow of the Colossus.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is set to continue the legacy of its predecessor, casting players as the 'Arisen' who embark on a quest after a Dragon purloins their heart. What's different this time is the storyline unfolding in a newly crafted parallel universe, with its independent narrative arc not directly continuing the tale of the previous title. In the upcoming game, players will find themselves embroiled in a narrative of royal conspiracy, witnessing the power struggle between a monarch attempting to consolidate power with the help of an imposter, Arisen, while various factions, including Humans and Beastern, compete for dominance.

On the gameplay front, viewers received a glimpse at the Trickster vocation – a strategic class adept at bolstering allies and deploying complex illusions to confound adversaries. It's an appealing choice for players who prefer orchestrating battles from afar, directing their pawns rather than engaging in direct combat. Additionally, Capcom showcased an intense encounter with a Giant Talos, a behemoth requiring players to scale their bodies to attack their vulnerable points. The showcase also highlighted a variety of sidequests, like rescuing an Elven princess from an ogre, and announced enhanced character creation tools that utilize photogrammetry for heightened detail and realism.

The company detailed the contents of Dragon’s Dogma 2 Deluxe Edition as well, which comes with an $80 price tag. The Deluxe Edition is packed with beneficial items to aid players on their journey, including equipment such as the Explorer's Camping Kit, the Dragon's Dogma Music & Sound Collection for audio customization, Harpysnare Smoke Beacons to attract harpies, the Heartfelt Pendant as a token of affection, Ambivalent Rift Incense to alter pawn behaviors, the Makeshift Gaol Key for dungeon escapes an Art of Metamorphosis token for character customization, a life-restoring Wakestone (A), and 1500 Rift Crystals which serve as valuable currency within the game.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is set to arrive on the gaming scene for PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PS5 on March 22, 2024.